Nick Van Nuys
In LA these are your options it's:
1. Be related to someone in the field. ie. dad is a cinematographer
2. Come from a rich family
3. Be an attractive white female
4. Be part of a trending minority group among social media. Latinos, middle easterners, indians ( as in India), sorry white folks don't really care about those communities, and let's face it they are the ones still calling the shots and who gets what and how much screen time these groups get in front of and behind the camera.
Yes, affleck is right. But i mean that latest movie of his looks really bad
To answer the question of the article:
Yes, woke culture is definitely apparent in the sights and sounds poll.
And it's fake woke culture btw. Clearly there was barely latino inclusion. Just the same ol' what trends and makes us look good.
It's kinda annoying that other DPs are shut out from shooting on IMAX. Clearly hiring Hoyte was a safe option. Granted the guys work is beautiful, but I would like to see some new folks' vision. Kind of don't want to listen to the same musician all the freaking time....
If you shoot at 2.8 on IMAX, that effectively gives you the separation of a 1.3 glass on Full Frame. So you can almost get the same look. But at a fraction of shooting on IMAX
Tools are there to shoot anything you want, that's the beauty of tech. You don't have to be in Hollywood to be a DP.
But if you want to play within Hollywood waste land especially in LA you are literally going to the back of the line. Literally said this in another article.
What puts you ahead is:
1. Nepotism
2. Wealth
3. Quid Pro Quo / Being an attractive woman
4. Being the "right" race. Even though caucasian folks like to talk about how screwed they are in the industry because of affirmative action, know this: not all "minority" races are treated equally in the industry. No matter how liberal the folks in the studio system think they are, If you are latino, indian, native, especially male, your chances of success are much much lower, since the opportunities and help is almost non-existent.
These are things that are given a blind eye and not acknowledged to be said to this day by articles and organizations like the academy and ASC. You literally have to be in the industry to see the bs and politics. Hopefully though it gets brought up more and called out