Good article. And to anyone who doesnt have access to a handful of skilled professionals for favors, or the money for the equipment; it's really all about the principle, don't think that you can't create anything because you dont have "enough"
Yes! That seem's to be in the right ball park, I think it's a matter of doing that then tweaking it until I get the desired effect. Thanks!
Lol your cynicism is preventing you from actually looking at the real matter here and the focus of the documentary. It's sad that you're so driven by your emotions that you cant set your personal beliefs about an actor aside and look at the matter objectively, because you should. Climate change, science, and are not a matter of opinion.
Funny enough, if you actually watched the film instead of writing uninsipred "anti-" comments, you would know that Leo makes it very clear of his past ignorance and how much he knows he consumes more than the average American, who already consume loads more than global averages. He admits it with humility, knowing that he is worse than the masses.
Watch the film man, and cut the lazy, uninspired cynical BS.
Trying to respond to Jeffery Norman up there but it looks like my comment is responding to Tiago Carvalhas
Hm so the only real issue with varying framerates is the audio not matching up? I was hoping to have moments where the music cuts and you hear dialogue & sound from the original content and then return to the music, but come to think of it, my projects with dialogue and sfx are all in 24fps so I think I'll be alright. Thanks!
I'm actually planning to install magic lantern on my 5D to keep it productive, but there are still things that I needed that it wouldnt be able to provide like high frame rates.