January 12, 2015 at 9:29AM

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Call for Entries: CINE Golden Eagle Award for Independent & Emerging Media

Since 1957, the CINE Golden Eagle Awards have honored excellence in media, building a legacy on discovering independent and emerging talent. The CINE Golden Eagle Award helped launch the career of rising powerhouses such as Steven Spielberg (1969), Ken Burns (1981) and Pixar Animation (1987). Now, the CINE Golden Eagle Awards have been reimagined to recognize the next generation of great media makers.

The new CINE Golden Eagle Awards for Independent & Emerging Media are now accepting submissions, with categories available for narrative, animated and documentary shorts and features. The awards process is based on merit and transparency: CINE's initial review teams evaluate each entry through an openly published set of evaluation criteria, and all entrants may access their comments when the process is complete. Top-scored projects are sent to a distinguished jury of notable filmmakers, producers and former CINE winners, who select up to five finalists and a CINE Golden Eagle Award winner in each category. Golden Eagle Award-winners will be honored at CINE Celebrates events in New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC.

CINE is also pleased to announce partnerships with CINE Select Festivals — events that share CINE’s core values based on standards of excellence, festival history, industry influence and audience demographics — providing jury prize winners from these festivals receive complimentary entry into the CINE Golden Eagle Awards. CINE Select Festivals include the Ashland Independent Film Festival, DC Shorts Film Festival, HollyShorts Film Festival, and Tallgrass Film Festival, with more CINE Selects Festivals to be announced.

Complete information is available at www.cine.org/independent or FilmFreeway (https://filmfreeway.com/festival/CINEIndie). All submissions are due by March 30, 2015.

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