Brad Jones
Post Production Supervisor at Kin Community
Morph cut is in most NLEs and is not an exclusive feature of Premiere Pro. It's built into FCPX, Resolve and Avid.
How does Magnolia not end up on this list? You could say this about a lot of years. Take 1982 for instance.
*Blade Runner
*The Thing
*The Road Warrior
*Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan
*The Dark Crystal
*Sophie's Choice
I feel like I could make a list of absolute classic films for most years. Lists are dumb!
This doesn't help explain why this movie is so stupid though. The writing and ideas were just bad. They let online trolls dictate what the movie should be about and completely disregarded the revelations of the previous films (or many of the original trilogy). Retconning your own trilogy is always a bad idea.
I couldn't disagree with this hypothesis any more and there are countless examples of films with deeply troubled productions that were completely ripped apart (Heaven's Gate, Ishtar, even Blade Runner upon it's initial release, oh and One From the Heart was troubled and panned).
Apocalypse Now captured the Vietnam experience better than any film that I can think of. It is every bit as insane as that conflict was. The depth of that film cannot be understated. It's visually incredible, it has a deep sub text and the performances and characters are all very memorable. I saw this in high school and Heart's of Darkness hadn't even come out yet and I was obsessed with this film before I knew anything about the behind the scenes drama.
Honestly, between The Godfather and Rumble Fish, Coppola could do no wrong (well maybe One from the Heart). He was at the height of his game and this film stands toe to toe with the first two Godfathers as his finest work. If you don't "get" the film...fine but don't have the hubris that because you don't "get" it that its overrated. That takes some serious chutzpah!
Here's an essay that has far better insight than this article
Technically, a new low powered MacBook can edit 8k video
It’s called smooth cut in Resolve