Hey Jeffrey, thanks for taking the time to write this up. I'm just one single developer working on this after my regular job, and I've been spending all that limited time on developing the app (three weeks ago it didn't exist!). That's why the "website" is just a simple typeform where I collect info from people who would like to be a part of shaping the app. It's been working very well so far, and I've been getting nothing but positive feedback. In the future I will be able to focus more on making a proper website.
If you want me to add you to the beta without filling out the form I'm happy to do that for you. Send me the email address you'd like to use for the beta in a private message (or in a direct message on Twitter).
Follow the development thread: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15890/gh4-use-iphone-as-wi...
I see you've predicted my plans for the app. ;)
And here's the BETA SIGNUP LINK: https://marcus134.typeform.com/to/FHcC1m
And here's a staggeringly non-cinematic video of me connecting my new app (Scopes) to the GH4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXARgM9LQjM
I'm doing a 25% sale of the Scopes iOS app (Dec 3rd through Dec 11th).
Just wanted to let y'all know. :)
Link: https://twitter.com/scopes_app/status/805052391318024192