September 26, 2022 at 9:26AM

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Screenwriters! 5 Reasons To Enter | Next Deadline Sept 30th

A screenwriter cannot achieve greatness alone. Becoming a professional screenwriter means writing a “great” screenplay and then sharing it with others to take on as a produced project. Entering a contest can be a great step in this direction.

So let's take a look at 5 great reasons to enter the Short Film Fund.

1. Industry Access
Winning or placing in a contest today can get your work noticed by studios, producers, agents, managers, and directors. But better than that, our top prize winners get to make a film of their script. With a produced film in your portfolio, you are ready to take the next steps in your screenwriting career.

2. Feedback
Opportunities to obtain feedback alongside your contest submission will give you a strong sense of where your script lands among the current competition, as well as provide notes for improvement and validation of your strengths.

3. Deadlines
Contest deadlines can help keep writers on track and provide much-needed motivation to power through rewrites within a set amount of time. This is also great practice for writing under pressure and improving efficiency.

4. Networking
A worthwhile contest will also offer opportunities to meet and network with other up-and-coming screenwriters and filmmakers. Building relationships with peers can lead to ongoing partnerships in creating, producing, and distributing projects independently.

5. Cash, Funding & Other Resources
Whatever the form, getting access to free resources or some cash in the bank can help writers tell their stories while balancing writing with the rest of life.

Check out the opportunities of the Short Film Fund